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Corporate Wellbeing Services


Empower Your Female Workforce

Empower Your Midlife Female Workforce with the Styling Life Menopause Support Programme


I understand that your female employees are invaluable contributors to your organisation. That's why I've designed the Styling Life Menopause Support Programme, meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs of your midlife female workforce.


Our mission is to create a workplace environment that not only recognises their value but also nurtures their well-being, fostering retention, and overall job satisfaction.



Why Partner with Us?

Focused on Well-being: Styling Life, led by an Occupational Therapist, is committed to helping individuals and groups lead fulfilling lives. I believe that promoting a healthy and inclusive workplace culture is integral to a happy life. A content workforce is not only productive but also loyal.


Addressing the Menopause Transition: Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, accompanied by physical and emotional challenges. Left unaddressed, these challenges can impact job performance, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.


Navigating Life's Transitions: Midlife and menopause often mark a time of significant personal and professional decisions. As hormones fluctuate, women may contemplate career changes, shifts in family roles, or caregiving responsibilities, all while questioning what was once considered normal.


Early Awareness is Key: Perimenopause can start without women even realising it, leading to life-changing decisions without considering the hormonal influence. Without awareness, how can your organisation provide the necessary support? Styling Life OT is here to bridge that gap.



Objectives of the Menopause Support Program

Promote Self-Management: Through therapeutic group sessions, we raise awareness about menopause, its symptoms, and its workplace impact. We then create customised self-management strategies for each individual using therapeutic interventions and our workbook.


Co-Production of Support Systems: Using the Appreciative Inquiry approach, we empower your staff to co-create a healthier, more supportive work environment. This fosters a sense of value, strategies to manage symptoms, and higher staff retention.


Workplace Adjustments: We advise on workplace adjustments based on the co-produced strategy, enhancing your workplace well-being and physical environment.


Additional Support: We offer one-on-one coaching services for individuals with specific challenges, blending solution-focused and cognitive-behaviour approaches within an occupational therapy context.



Benefits of the Menopause Support Program

Enhanced Employee Retention: Demonstrating commitment to midlife female employees' well-being fosters loyalty and reduces the need for expensive retraining and replacement.


Improved Productivity: A supportive environment increases job satisfaction, engagement, and overall productivity. Well-being nurtures better work.


Positive Workplace Culture: Our program contributes to a positive workplace culture that values diversity, inclusion, and employee well-being.



Implementation Timeline

Our implementation timeline can be tailored to your organisation's needs, minimising disruption while maximising results. We typically allocate one day per week or month, for 10 sessions, allowing for the delivery of self-management strategies, co-production, and evaluation.



Customised Solutions

Styling Life is committed to delivering bespoke solutions. If you have specific requirements or questions, please let us know, and we'll schedule a convenient time to discuss your needs.

I will provide a detailed cost estimate to align with your budget while ensuring a comprehensive and effective solution.



Next Steps

Please book a free discovery call so we can discuss your unique requirements.

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